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After creating your executable file, the translator removes all the C files that were created. If you want to look at these files, you'll need to run the translator again, using either the -keep or -makefile options.

Command-Line Options

-arch - Set architecture

The translator generally produces cross platform code. However, the euphoria source code may have different code for different architectures. The default is to use the architecture of the translator binary that is being used. To target a different architecture, you can use one of three supported architectures:

  • X86
  • X86_64
  • ARM

-build-dir dir

Use the specified directory to write translated C files and compiled objects. The final executable is still output by default to the current directory (or however the -o flag specifies). When not specified, euphoria will create a temporary, randomly named build directory.

The specified directory cannot contain any wildcards ('*', '?') or be an existing file.

$ euc -build-dir temp_dir myapp.ex 

-cc-prefix - Compiler prefix

Some compilers, especially MinGW (the Windows version of gcc) may prefix their normal names with platform prefixes. The -cc-prefix switch allows the developer to specify this special prefix. This can also be useful for having a system with both the 32bit and 64bit versions installed. Cross compilers generally require this.

For example, on Windows, to build with MinGW installed as i6856-w64-mingw32:

euc -gcc -cc-prefix i686-w64-mingw32- pretend.exw 

-cflags FLAGS - Compiler Flags

Specifies the flags to pass to the compiler.

-com DIR - Compiler directory

Tells the translator where to find include/euphoria.h, which is the header file required when translating code.

-con - Console based program

To make a Windows console program instead of a Windows GUI program, add -con to the command line. e.g.

euc -con myprog.exw 

When creating a Windows GUI program, if the -con option is used, when running your Windows program, you will have a blank console window appear and remain the duration of your application. By default, a GUI program is assumed.

-debug - Debug mode

To compile your program with debugging information, usable with a debugger compatible with your compiler, use the -debug option:

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